This section allows you to get basic profile information, photos, and videos in your Instagram accounts​
Steps: In the theme editor (Customize) > Add section > Instagram feed API > Save.
Instagram feed API settings
Instagram image source: You can choose between Instagram Access Token and Instagram via app.
Instagram Access Token
Instagram via app: You need to install to use this section.
Maximum photos to show: You can set number of Instagram photos to show on your store.
Open link in: You can choose between New window and Current window.
Layout design: You can choose between Grid and Carousel.
Rounded corners for images: You can adjust the roundness for the photos.
Photos per row: Set number of photos display each row.
Spaces between photos: You can set spaces between photos.

Image ratio: Aspect ratio custom will settings in general panel.
Image size: This settings apply only if the image ratio is not set to 'Adapt to image'.
Image position: The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. This settings apply only if the image ratio is not set to 'Adapt to image'.
You can adjust Slider effect, Enable Loop and Autoplay feature
Change style for Prev next button and Page dots