Logo list

This section allows you to show a logo list and you can choose a grid, carousel and packery layout for the images. You can go to Theme sections > Add section > Search and add Logo List to configure it.

1. Logo Item

Click on Logo list > Add Logo > to add more logo items on this section.

You can choose an image and link for each logo item.

2. Logo list settings


  • Heading design: There are totally 14 heading designs.

  • Heading align: Align the title to the left, center.

  • You can also enter the content of the Heading and Subheading, Enter an icon name for design heading 6 and Space bottom (px).

Please follow this video below for details:


  • It helps you configure the image with options for Image hover effect, Effect, Open link in, Layout design, Click action, Enable thumbnail, Items per row and Space between items


  • Turn on the Enable loop when using a carousel layout and then you can also set the Autoplay speed in second and Pause autoplay on hover

  • Turn on the Use prev next button option and you can configure the prev/next button

  • Turn on the Use page dots option and you can configure the section for the dots

Please follow this video below for details: