Product deal with banner

Product Deal With Banner section allows you to add a Product, Banners, and Countdown timer. You can add this section to any pages that you like. 

1. Product Deals with Banner Content

Click on Product Deals with Banner > ADD BLOCK > choose the block you want to add.

1.1. Banner 1

You are allowed to add Images, insert Link, Text and adjust styles for them.

1.2. Banner 2

Except for all the same functions as Banner 1, you can add a button for Banner 2.


1.3. Product

This block also has the same configuration way as Banner 1. However, instead of uploading an image, we need to choose a product to show.


2. Product Deals with Banner Settings


  • You are allowed to show or hide Product Vendor and Product Countdown. There is a specific option for you on Product clock to set countdown.

  • Image options: These sections allow you to customize Image ratio, Image size, Image position for all your images.

  • Moreover, you can also adjust Vertical/ Horizontal Space (For both desktop and mobile).
